Watchdog group grades agencies’ FOIA performance

From FCW:

The Center for Effective Government on March 13 released a report on the government's Freedom of Information Act response efforts, finding that agencies processed more FOIA in 2012 than in previous years, and that backlogs have declined even as the number of requests has grown. But more requests are being redacted, the report found, and the cost of FOIA processing varied widely from agency to agency.


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FBI complies with FOIA request with blacked-out pages

From Yahoo! News:

The FBI and the American Civil Liberties Union seem to have very different interpretations of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

As surfaced by the website Arstechnica, the FBI recently complied with a request from the civil rights organization—sort of.


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A marathon freedom of information fight

From American Journalism Review:

In the Sixties, an era defined by the counterculture and social revolution, the University of California, Berkeley became a center of student activism. It was home to the Free Speech Movement, one of the era’s most influential student protests, and a wealth of civil rights and antiwar demonstrations. It was when Ronald Reagan, in his first public office as the state’s governor, campaigned to clean up the “mess” at Berkeley.


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