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Tag: North Carolina Public Records Law
Only one law enforcement agency fully complies with public records request
From Port City Daily:
One week after Port City Daily sent public records requests to five municipal law enforcement agencies, only one agency fully complied with the public records request.
On Friday, March 8, Port City Daily sent a public records request to Wilmington, Leland, Wrightsville Beach, Surf City and Carolina Beach police departments.
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The innards of state government, courtesy of public record and sunshine laws
From The Progressive Pulse:
Public records in the North Carolina offer a chance to peer into the depths of state government, and see what is and what isn’t working.
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Sunshine Week reminds us why people should have access to information
Editorial from
In an ideal world, there wouldn’t be a need for “Sunshine Week,” which celebrates the right of the people to watch their government in action. That includes free access to meetings and documents that discuss the public’s business. An accessible government is a keystone of our democracy.
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NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for March 8, 2013
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Sunshine Day event to feature UNC panel
A panel discussion on the UNC athletic and academic scandals and an address from a nationally known open-government expert will headline an event Monday to celebrate the value of transparent government.
N.C. bill would make private college police records open
North Carolina sheriffs wage fight over gun records
NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for March 1, 2013
NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for February 22, 2013
A few state FOIA and local open government news items selected from many of interest that we might or might not have drawn attention to earlier in the week. While you're at it, be sure to check out State FOIA Friday Archives.
Bill adds teeth to state laws on open meetings, records
Read More… from NFOIC’s State FOIA Friday for February 22, 2013