Nominations sought for the State Open Government Hall of Fame

Nominations sought for the State Open Government Hall of Fame

May 24, 2016

Known as the “Heroes of the Fifty States,” the Open Government Hall of Fame is a joint initiative of the National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). Inductees are recognized for their "long and steady effort to preserve and protect the free flow of information about state and local government that is vital to the public in a democracy."  Formal induction takes place on October 8th, during the 2016 NFOIC Freedom of Information Summit in Washington, DC.

The State Open Government Hall of Fame is open to anyone who has made a substantial, sustained and lasting contribution to open government or freedom of information within one particular state. Even if the nominee has been active in national efforts or national organizations, the judges will only consider accomplishments at the state level.

Nominees may come from government, the media, the non-profit sector, the legal profession, or any other area of endeavor that involves citizen access to government records, meetings and procedures. Nominees may be living or deceased; active or retired. Last year’s recipient was former Miami Herald managing editor, Pete Weitzel who became the Hall of Fame’s 15th inductee.  

The deadline for nominations is July 15, 2016
All nominations should include the following:
Cover letter identifying the nominee and the person or group making the nomination.
Adequate support material to demonstrate the worthiness of the nominee.
Please mail or email all nominations and material to:
"Heroes of the 50 States"
Missouri School of Journalism
101E Reynolds Journalism Institute
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone (573) 882-4856