We are extremely grateful to our attendees for supporting the conference and the cause.
While we have attempted to be as accurate as possible with this list, please note that we might have a few names to add before all is said and done.
Please email griffithd_at_missouri.edu and we'll correct any mistakes.
Again, thanks for attending the 2011 FOI Summit in Providence and making it such a great success.
Last Name | First Name | Organization | ||
Ambrogi | Robert | ambrogi_at_legaline.com | Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association | |
Areson | Sue | sareson_at_projo.com | The Providence Journal Co / AH Belo | |
Arminio | Michele | info_at_njfog.org | New Jersey Foundation for Open Government | |
Atkins* | Jeanni | iatkins_at_olemiss.edu | Mississippi Center for Freedom of Information | |
Barnett | Brooke | bbarnett_at_elon.edu | Elon University | |
Bass | Gary | gbass_at_ombwatch.org | OMB Watch | |
Bayer | Aaron | abayer_at_wiggin.com | Wiggin and Dana LLP | |
Beatty | Steve | sbeatty_at_thelensnola.org | The Lens investigative news website | |
Becker | Robert | rbecker_at_dcappeals.com | DC Open Gov Coalition & SPS | |
Bennett | Amy | afuller_at_openthegovernment.org | OpenTheGovernment.org | |
Bertsche | Robert | rbertsche_at_princelobel.com | Prince Lobel | |
Bordeleau | Karen | kbordele_at_projo.com | The Providence Journal Co / AH Belo | |
Brooks | Fran | fjabrooks_at_gmail.com | New Jersey Foundation for Open Government | |
Bunting | Juli | juli_at_kbunting.com | ||
Bunting | Ken | buntingk_at_missouri.edu | NFOIC | |
Cavanagh | Rosanna | rosecavanagh.nefac_at_gmail.com | New England First Amendment Coalition | |
Ciuba | Thomas | tciuba_at_ctbar.org | Connecticut Bar Association | |
Claxton | Dan | dcp59_at_mail.mizzou.edu | MU School of Journalism | |
Clifton | Douglas | cliftondoug9_at_gmail.com | New England First Amendment Coalition | |
Corwin | Bonnie | info_at_delcog.org | Delaware Coalition for Open Government | |
Crimaldi | Laura | crimaldi_at_hotmail.com | New England First Amendment Coalition | |
Cuillier* | David | cuillier_at_email.arizona.edu | Society of Professional Journalists | |
Dalglish | Lucy | ldalglish_at_rcfp.org | Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press | |
De Bourbon* | Kim | info_at_openrecordspa.org | Pennsylvania Freedom of Information Coalition | |
Delucia | Lynne | lynnedelucia_at_yahoo.com | Conn. Health Investigative Team | |
Donnellan | Jonathan | JDonnellan_at_hearst.com | Hearst Corporation | |
Donoghue | Mike | mdonoghue_at_smcvt.edu | Vermont Press Association | |
Elkins* | Keith | keith.elkins_at_foift.org | Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas | |
Fargo* | Anthony | alfargo_at_indiana.edu | Indiana Coalition for Open Government | |
Farrell* | Mike | farrell_at_uky.edu | Scripps Howard First Amendment Center | |
Finnegan Jr | John | sphdean_at_umn.edu | University of Minnesota | |
Finnegan Sr | John | jrfsr_at_comcast.net | Minnesota Joint Media Committee | |
Flaherty | John | jdf0000_at_aol.com | Delaware Coalition for Open Government | |
Freyer | Felice | felice.freyer_at_cox.net | Association of Health Care Journalists | |
Frison | Aretha | rereinc_at_yahoo.com | The Trumpet Magazine | |
Gafke | Roger | gafker_at_missouri.edu | Reynolds Journalism Institute | |
Gibson | Frank | tncog_at_comcast.net | Tennessee Coalition for Open Government | |
Griffith | Drew | griffithd_at_missouri.edu | National Freedom of Information Coalition | |
Hall* | Dee | dhall_at_madison.com | Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council | |
Heckman | Meg | mheckman_at_cmonitor.com | Concord Monitor | |
Hennick | Thomas | Thomas.hennick_at_ct.gov | Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission | |
Herzog | David | herzogd_at_rjionline.org | Missouri School of Journalism | |
Heslin | Tom | theslin_at_projo.com | Providence Journal | |
Heywood | Todd | aubrey_at_tainews.org | The American Independent News Network | |
Hill | Gary | ghillgary_at_gmail.com | MNCOGI | |
Horvit | Mark | mhorvit_at_ire.org | MU School of Journalism | |
Hughes* | Art | arthughes22_at_gmail.com | Minnesota Coalition on Government Information | |
Kaiser | Karen | kkaiser_at_ap.org | Associated Press | |
Keefover* | Ron | keefoverr_at_kscourts.org | KS Sunshine Coalition for Open Government | |
Klau | Daniel | dklau_at_mdmc-law.com | Connecticut Foundation for Open Government | |
Klepper | David | dklepper_at_ap.org | The Associated Press | |
Laird | Rox | roxlaird_at_dmreg.com | The Des Moines Register | |
Lakov | Asya | alakov_at_princelobel.com | Prince Lobel Tye LLP | |
Laughlin | Larry | lmlaughlin_at_gmail.com | New England First Amendment Coalition | |
Leary | Mal | mal_at_mainecapitolnews.com | Maine Freedom of Information Coalition | |
Lightfoot* | Linda | benandlindalightfoot_at_cox.net | Louisiana Press Association consultant | |
Lindley | Don | dlindley_at_durangoherald.com | Durango Herald | |
Locke* | Christina | clocke_at_ufl.edu | Brechner Center for Freedom of Information | |
Long | Sue | suelong_at_syr.edu | TRAC/Syracuse University | |
Love | Norma | nlove_at_ap.org | The Associated Press | |
Lumpp | James | jlumpp_at_olemiss.edu | University of Mississippi | |
Machones | Melinda | melinda_at_machones.com | Information Terchnologies Consultant | |
Machones | Michael | |||
Manheimer | Hollie | gfaf_at_mindspring.com | Georgia First Amendment Foundation | |
Marcelo | Phil | pmarcelo_at_projo.com | The Providence Journal Co / A.H. Belo | |
Marquand | Ian | marquand.im_at_gmail.com | Montana FOI Hotline | |
McClanahan | Kel | kel_at_nationalsecuritylaw.org | National Security Counselors | |
McDermott | Patrice | pmcdermott_at_openthegovernment.org | OpenTheGovernment.org | |
McMillen | Travis | mcmillent_at_rjionline.org | MU Reynolds Mournalism Institute | |
Morisy | Michael | morisy_at_gmail.com | MuckRock.com | |
Morris | Burnis | morrisb_at_marshall.edu | Marshall University | |
Mulvihill | Maggie | mmulvih_at_bu.edu | New England Center for Investigative Reporting | |
Nixon | Toby | president_at_washingtoncog.org | Washington Coalition for Open Government | |
Pearlman | Mitchell | m.pearlman_at_cox.net | NFOIC – Connecticut Foundation for Open Government | |
Pearlman | Paula | Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission | ||
Pearlman | Susan | m.pearlman_at_cox.net | ||
Petersen | Barbara | sunshine_at_floridafaf.org | First Amendment Foundation | |
Petersen* | Linda | linda_at_valleyjournals.com | Utah Foundation for Open Government | |
Phipps* | Lisa | lisaphipps08_at_gmail.com | Open Oregon | |
Primerano* | Jane | jpdwrite_at_embarqmail.com | New Jersey Foundation for Open Government | |
Rhyne | Megan | mrhyne_at_opengovva.org | Virginia Coalition for Open Government | |
Robertson | Jim | jrobertson_at_columbiatribune.com | Columbia Daily Tribune | |
Rosenberg | Alan | arosenbe_at_projo.com | The Providence Journal Co / A.H. Belo | |
Rothstein | Kevin | kevinmrothstein_at_gmail.com | WFXT Fox 25 | |
Scheer | Peter | pscheer_at_earthlink.net | First Amendment Coalition | |
Schwind | May | Mary.schwind_at_ct.gov | Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission | |
Senat* | Joey | joey.senat_at_okstate.edu | Oklahoma State University | |
Smith | Greg | communityresearch_at_igc.org | Community Research | |
Smith | Tim | tdsmith_at_kent.edu | Kent State University Media Law Center for Ethics | |
Steckley | Linda | lsteckley_at_gmail.com | The Chautauqua Foundation | |
Stewart | Chip | d.stewart_at_tcu.edu | Texas Christian University | |
Susman | Tom | susman_at_staff.aba.net | American Bar Association | |
Treacy* | Mary | mtreacy_at_onvoymail.com | Twin Cities Daily Planet | |
Walker* | Steve | snswalker@clearwire.net | Idahoans for Openness in Government | |
Weitzel | Pete | peteweitzel_at_gmail.com | ||
Welsh* | Sarah | info_at_nmfog.org | New Mexico Foundation for Open Government | |
Wilkinson | Mary Jane | mjwilkinson17_at_gmail.com | New England First Amendment Coalition | |
Wolfgang | David | jdwc5f_at_mail.mizzou.edu | NFOIC | |
Yack* | Patrick | pyack_at_alaskapublic.org | Alaska Public | |
Ziffer | Thalia | tziffer_at_tulane.edu | The Public Law Center |
* Denotes recipient of Sigma Delta Chi Foundation travel scholarship.