2011 FOI Summit Attendees

We are extremely grateful to our attendees for supporting the conference and the cause.

While we have attempted to be as accurate as possible with this list, please note that we might have a few names to add before all is said and done.

Please email griffithd_at_missouri.edu and we'll correct any mistakes.

Again, thanks for attending the 2011 FOI Summit in Providence and making it such a great success.


Last Name First Name Email Organization
Ambrogi Robert ambrogi_at_legaline.com Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association
Areson Sue sareson_at_projo.com The Providence Journal Co / AH Belo
Arminio Michele info_at_njfog.org New Jersey Foundation for Open Government
Atkins* Jeanni iatkins_at_olemiss.edu Mississippi Center for Freedom of Information
Barnett Brooke bbarnett_at_elon.edu Elon University
Bass Gary gbass_at_ombwatch.org OMB Watch
Bayer Aaron abayer_at_wiggin.com Wiggin and Dana LLP
Beatty Steve sbeatty_at_thelensnola.org The Lens investigative news website
Becker Robert rbecker_at_dcappeals.com DC Open Gov Coalition & SPS
Bennett Amy afuller_at_openthegovernment.org OpenTheGovernment.org
Bertsche Robert rbertsche_at_princelobel.com Prince Lobel
Bordeleau Karen kbordele_at_projo.com The Providence Journal Co / AH Belo
Brooks Fran fjabrooks_at_gmail.com New Jersey Foundation for Open Government
Bunting Juli juli_at_kbunting.com
Bunting Ken buntingk_at_missouri.edu NFOIC
Cavanagh Rosanna rosecavanagh.nefac_at_gmail.com New England First Amendment Coalition
Ciuba Thomas tciuba_at_ctbar.org Connecticut Bar Association
Claxton Dan dcp59_at_mail.mizzou.edu MU School of Journalism
Clifton Douglas cliftondoug9_at_gmail.com New England First Amendment Coalition
Corwin Bonnie info_at_delcog.org Delaware Coalition for Open Government  
Crimaldi Laura crimaldi_at_hotmail.com New England First Amendment Coalition
Cuillier* David cuillier_at_email.arizona.edu Society of Professional Journalists
Dalglish Lucy ldalglish_at_rcfp.org Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
De Bourbon* Kim info_at_openrecordspa.org Pennsylvania Freedom of Information Coalition
Delucia Lynne lynnedelucia_at_yahoo.com Conn. Health Investigative Team
Donnellan Jonathan JDonnellan_at_hearst.com Hearst Corporation
Donoghue Mike mdonoghue_at_smcvt.edu Vermont Press Association
Elkins* Keith keith.elkins_at_foift.org Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas
Fargo* Anthony alfargo_at_indiana.edu Indiana Coalition for Open Government
Farrell* Mike farrell_at_uky.edu Scripps Howard First Amendment Center
Finnegan Jr John sphdean_at_umn.edu University of Minnesota
Finnegan Sr John jrfsr_at_comcast.net Minnesota Joint Media Committee
Flaherty John jdf0000_at_aol.com Delaware Coalition for Open Government  
Freyer Felice felice.freyer_at_cox.net Association of Health Care Journalists
Frison Aretha rereinc_at_yahoo.com The Trumpet Magazine
Gafke Roger gafker_at_missouri.edu Reynolds Journalism Institute
Gibson Frank tncog_at_comcast.net Tennessee Coalition for Open Government
Griffith Drew griffithd_at_missouri.edu National Freedom of Information Coalition
Hall* Dee dhall_at_madison.com Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council
Heckman Meg mheckman_at_cmonitor.com Concord Monitor
Hennick Thomas Thomas.hennick_at_ct.gov Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission
Herzog David herzogd_at_rjionline.org Missouri School of Journalism
Heslin Tom theslin_at_projo.com Providence Journal
Heywood Todd aubrey_at_tainews.org The American Independent News Network
Hill Gary ghillgary_at_gmail.com MNCOGI
Horvit Mark mhorvit_at_ire.org MU School of Journalism
Hughes* Art arthughes22_at_gmail.com Minnesota Coalition on Government Information
Kaiser Karen kkaiser_at_ap.org Associated Press
Keefover* Ron keefoverr_at_kscourts.org KS Sunshine Coalition for Open Government
Klau Daniel dklau_at_mdmc-law.com Connecticut Foundation for Open Government
Klepper David dklepper_at_ap.org The Associated Press
Laird Rox roxlaird_at_dmreg.com The Des Moines Register
Lakov Asya alakov_at_princelobel.com Prince Lobel Tye LLP
Laughlin Larry lmlaughlin_at_gmail.com New England First Amendment Coalition
Leary Mal mal_at_mainecapitolnews.com Maine Freedom of Information Coalition
Lightfoot* Linda benandlindalightfoot_at_cox.net Louisiana Press Association consultant
Lindley Don dlindley_at_durangoherald.com Durango Herald
Locke* Christina clocke_at_ufl.edu Brechner Center for Freedom of Information
Long Sue suelong_at_syr.edu TRAC/Syracuse University
Love Norma nlove_at_ap.org The Associated Press
Lumpp James jlumpp_at_olemiss.edu University of Mississippi
Machones Melinda melinda_at_machones.com Information Terchnologies Consultant
Machones Michael
Manheimer Hollie gfaf_at_mindspring.com Georgia First Amendment Foundation
Marcelo Phil pmarcelo_at_projo.com The Providence Journal Co / A.H. Belo
Marquand Ian marquand.im_at_gmail.com Montana FOI Hotline
McClanahan Kel kel_at_nationalsecuritylaw.org National Security Counselors
McDermott Patrice pmcdermott_at_openthegovernment.org OpenTheGovernment.org
McMillen Travis mcmillent_at_rjionline.org MU Reynolds Mournalism Institute
Morisy Michael morisy_at_gmail.com MuckRock.com
Morris Burnis morrisb_at_marshall.edu Marshall University
Mulvihill Maggie mmulvih_at_bu.edu New England Center for Investigative Reporting
Nixon Toby president_at_washingtoncog.org Washington Coalition for Open Government
Pearlman Mitchell m.pearlman_at_cox.net NFOIC – Connecticut Foundation for Open Government
Pearlman Paula   Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission
Pearlman Susan m.pearlman_at_cox.net
Petersen Barbara sunshine_at_floridafaf.org First Amendment Foundation
Petersen* Linda linda_at_valleyjournals.com Utah Foundation for Open Government
Phipps* Lisa lisaphipps08_at_gmail.com Open Oregon
Primerano* Jane jpdwrite_at_embarqmail.com New Jersey Foundation for Open Government
Rhyne Megan mrhyne_at_opengovva.org Virginia Coalition for Open Government
Robertson Jim jrobertson_at_columbiatribune.com Columbia Daily Tribune
Rosenberg Alan arosenbe_at_projo.com The Providence Journal Co / A.H. Belo
Rothstein Kevin kevinmrothstein_at_gmail.com WFXT Fox 25
Scheer Peter pscheer_at_earthlink.net First Amendment Coalition
Schwind May Mary.schwind_at_ct.gov Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission
Senat* Joey joey.senat_at_okstate.edu Oklahoma State University
Smith Greg communityresearch_at_igc.org Community Research
Smith Tim tdsmith_at_kent.edu Kent State University Media Law Center for Ethics
Steckley Linda lsteckley_at_gmail.com The Chautauqua Foundation
Stewart Chip d.stewart_at_tcu.edu Texas Christian University
Susman Tom susman_at_staff.aba.net American Bar Association
Treacy* Mary mtreacy_at_onvoymail.com Twin Cities Daily Planet
Walker* Steve snswalker@clearwire.net Idahoans for Openness in Government
Weitzel Pete peteweitzel_at_gmail.com
Welsh* Sarah info_at_nmfog.org New Mexico Foundation for Open Government
Wilkinson Mary Jane mjwilkinson17_at_gmail.com New England First Amendment Coalition
Wolfgang David jdwc5f_at_mail.mizzou.edu NFOIC
Yack* Patrick pyack_at_alaskapublic.org Alaska Public
Ziffer Thalia tziffer_at_tulane.edu The Public Law Center

* Denotes recipient of Sigma Delta Chi Foundation travel scholarship.