Battle over information request in Wallingford continues

The chairwoman of the town’s Public Celebrations Committee and the vice president of Wallingford Center Inc. said they believe their groups are separate entities and disputed the claim that WCI has taken on Celebrations Committee tasks and is subject to state freedom-of-information rules.

In a filing with the Freedom of Information Commission, Town Councilor Craig Fishbein said WCI has taken on tasks assigned to the Public Celebrations Committee by the Town Charter. Fishbein has filed a complaint with the commission. Among other things, he is seeking the public release of WCI meeting minutes and agendas.

“Article VIII of the Wallingford Code establishes a Public Celebrations Committee … Many of these tasks, it seems, have been undertaken by Wallingford Center Inc., for instance, improvements to the Wallingford town green, initiatives to improve streetscapes and the appearance of store fronts, holiday decoration efforts, as well as the organization of Celebrate Wallingford, a 2-day festival held annually in the town of Wallingford,” Fishbein wrote in a response to a preliminary ruling by the commission that it has no jurisdiction over WCI because it is not a public entity. Contintue>>>