2013 International Open Data Day Hackathon

From OpenDataDayDC:

International Open Data Day is Februrary 23, 2013!

Anyone with an interest in open data is encouraged to come to our hackathon in Washington, DC. It'll be one of several dozen similar events throughout the world happening on that day.

This will be DC's second open data day hackathon. Last year we worked on coding and data analysis projects related to government data. This year we'll be doing that, plus design challenges, and we'll also be holding an introductory tutorial on open data. You don't need any particular skills to get something out of this hackathon.


The last open data day hackathon in DC was on Dec. 3, 2011. It was co-hosted by POPVOX (Josh Tauberer) and Wikimedia DC (Katie Filbert). See what we did on the post-event recap at https://www.popvox.com/features/opendataday2011. The theme of our hackathon was open government data, and participants worked on improving access to U.S. law, scanning federal spending for anomalies following Benford’s Law, understanding farm subsidy grants, building local transit apps, and keeping Congress accountable. Only about half of the participants were programmers, but everyone found a way to be involved.