One Year Later, Delivering on the Commitments of the Open Government Partnership

From OMB Watch:

Sept. 20 marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of the global Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the release of the U.S. National Action Plan detailing the Obama administration’s commitments to strengthen transparency in the federal government. The partnership and the administration’s implementation efforts have both made significant progress toward their goal of more open and responsive governments in the U.S. and worldwide.


After implementing their initial plans, countries are expected to develop a new round of plans to ratchet up their open government practices even more. The second round of plans will account for the progress that has been made and incorporate lessons learned from the first round. We hope the next U.S. plan will provide more detail about the government’s commitments and how they will be realized. An analysis of country plans conducted by Global Integrity found that the U.S. plan shared a shortcoming common to several other countries: its commitments were not measurable and did not include specific timelines. Some countries are already rewriting their plans to address this criticism: Mexico released an updated plan in August, adding specific compliance dates for each commitment. By following the same approach, the U.S. could strengthen its implementation efforts.